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How to prevent water leaks in companies

Water leaks in the office

One of the most common reasons for filing insurance claims is damage resulting from water leaks in the office or in the workplace in general.

The causes that lead to water leaks in the office are similar to those that cause water problems also in other contexts, such as public places and even domestic spaces.

However, what makes water leaks in the office particularly insidious is the fact that they occur in places that remain empty and unattended for part of the time, usually on weekends.

In the absence of an automated monitoring and control system, this can lead to a fatal delay in detecting faults, and very often aggravate the extent of excess consumption and damage from infiltrations.

The causes

Among the main causes of damage from water leaks in the office we find

  • obsolescence of pipes and bathroom fixtures;
  • water and beverage dispensers with water inlet in poor condition;
  • lack of a building automation and water flow control system.

As for the first type of causes, relying solely on manual surveys and interventions very often implies that water leaks in the office are discovered when it is too late.

The causes of water leaks in the office are mostly small incremental leaks, often hidden: taps dripping, toilet cisterns not filling and draining properly, pipes leaking due to poor quality installation or welding worn, and other minor leaks.

The damage that these leaks in the office can cause is certainly less spectacular and catastrophic than those resulting from, for example, a pipe burst. However, the risk of having to face a huge cost is very high: leaks of this type can be very difficult to locate, give rise to expensive damage to repair, and still represent a huge waste of water.

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The equipment involved

Among the equipment involved in water leaks in the office we find.

  • dispenser machines for water, ice, soft drinks and hot drinks;
  • taps;
  • sanitation facilities.

The first type of equipment is connected directly to the company water supply. To avoid leaks and possible damages, they must be installed correctly and regularly maintained. Being in rooms that remain empty for part of the time, it is better they are monitored in real time.

Uncontrolled dripping from a tap, or a toilet that doesn’t fill or drain water properly may seem like minor problems than bursting a pipe or water leaks causing flooding, but in the long run they can cause huge economic damage.

Whatever the cause of office water leaks, the speed with which water flow anomalies are reported is crucial to avoid waste, damage and additional costs.

Tools to prevent them

To prevent water leaks in the office, you can rely on useful tools, since it is true that prevention is better than cure.

Detecting irregularities in the water flow in real time and, if necessary, being able to block it, helps you to drastically limit damage and costs.

Precisely for this reason, ELTEK has designed E-WATERBLOCK, an intelligent device that allows you to detect any irregularity in the water flow, and to block it before consumption becomes excessive or there is damage to the rooms.

E-WATERBLOCK is particularly effective in the systemic control of beverage dispensers, thanks also to the dedicated application that allows effective monitoring and rapid reporting.


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